Financial Assistance

Grants for Players

Players are encouraged to apply for funding from agencies that support youth in sport. The external funding process takes at least 6-8 weeks so apply early, and inform CORA Registrar of your application. Some available grants:

CORA Financial Assistance Policy


Families may request an extended period for payment of CORA registration fees provided that such fees are paid in full by December 15th. It is expected that most of these arrangements will result in payment in three equal instalments – first instalment must be made at the time of registration. Post-dated cheques are required. For information, contact the Division Convenor, the Registrar or the Treasurer.


A limited number of bursaries may be available for those families for whom the full cost of belonging to CORA would prohibit their children from participating in ringette. Families who wish to apply for financial assistance should submit a completed financial assistance form to the Convenor for their child’s division, the CORA Registrar or the CORA Treasurer. The deadline for submitting the form is October 1st. A parent or guardian must complete and sign the form. All information provided on the form will be held in the strictest confidence.

The forms will be reviewed by a Financial Assistance Subcommittee made up of the President or a Vice President, the Treasurer, and the Registrar for CORA. The amount of assistance that may be available to any one family will depend upon the number of applications received and the total amount of earmarked donations (see below – Treatment of Donations ) for such use and the financial assistance budget set aside for that year as determined by the CORA Executive. Therefore, the financial assistance awarded to a particular family cannot be guaranteed for subsequent years.

No assistance will be provided for team-related fees. No assistance will be provided for players for whom the registration fees are less than or equal to the Bunny fees. Priority will be given to families who have had children registered in CORA for at least one year prior to the request for assistance.

Note that players from other associations are not considered to be CORA players until they have played for CORA for three years. If you wish to apply for financial assistance please download the word document click here. And fill in the form on page 2, sign and submit it to a member or our executive. All requests are kept strictly confidential.

Treatment of Donations

From time to time, donations are made by CORA teams or individuals to support the Association in providing assistance for families in need of some assistance that want to have their daughter or daughters in ringette.

Such funds will be received by the Treasurer and recorded in the accounts as donated funds.  The funds would generally be used to support those families that on occasion have identified a need for some assistance to allow their daughter or daughters to continue playing with the Association.  Such support will only be provided once the family has already received support from a program that provides for a means test such as the Canadian Tire Foundation Jumpstart.

A sub-committee of the Board including the President or a vice-President, Treasurer, Registrar, will consider requests on their merits.  The Board does not wish to have personal income information on file or their position to demonstrate that the applicant has a need.  As such the applicant should demonstrate they have met the need of another means tested program or come forward to those Board members as might be identified to verify their information in person.

There may be times that the Board may decide that a donation may be used to support a scholarship, memorial fund, or other such appropriate cause as they come up and are not directly related to the operation of the Association.

The Treasurer will include a line on Donation revenues and expenses as a specific item in the annual report to the membership.